Teach what you learn to your community.

Olazion was built by our founder learning from individuals and companies who taught him the value in clean, healthy and organic personal care products. Everyday Stefan looks for ways to make people feel happy, successful and valued.

Sometimes his efforts are needed outside of his daily business routine, this is why he decided to work with Monumental Sports in Washington D.C. to participate in basketball camps and clinics for children in the D.M.V region.



Relationships go beyond the hype.

I believe that developing relationships with people can take you further in life than any monetary compensation. Being financially stable is important but relationships help you meet personal and professional goals.

I use my community involvement to build relationships that can help me provide world changing resources to the Olazion brand. These resources help create products and solutions that are just as beneficial as some of your favorite brands but are affordable within all communities.


Remaining humble is healthy and beneficial.

There are moments when you meet people that have a lot more success and influence than you. These moments provide you with an opportunity to learn and grow, even if you have the age advantage. Some of our young talents have been exposed to great business experiences and have participated in conversation outside of our daily routine.

I sometimes have conversations during events that help me gain insight to pass along to kids and teenagers in underserved communities. This insight helps evolve ways of thinking and open the door to discussions that help create paths related to expanded views of success.

I recommend parents to particpate and sign their children up  for camps and clinics with Monumental Sports. This gives them the opportunity to learn and interact with other children, coaches and sometimes players from some of the best sports franchises in the world. 

you can get more information here: https://dcfamily.com
